Vanessa Lloyd Platt appears on The Wright Stuff

Did you see Vanessa Lloyd Platt appearing on the Wright Stuff last Friday on a discussion about divorce? The programme debates whether there can ever be a happy divorce with Vanessa confirming that thousands of Lloyd Platt clients have had happy outcomes and that the media should refrain from emphasizing the negatives about a family split which is adding to the difficulty for couples, children and grandparents countrywide.

Anne Diamond who was also present participating in the programmed was of the view that all couples should undergo therapy both before and during divorce to aide smooth transition. She also confirmed that she was assisted during her divorce process by Vanessa Lloyd Platt who helped her cope with all aspects of transition and calmed her down.

Vanessa firmly advocates therapy for couples undergoing difficulties either to assist their marriage in staying together or to assist the divorce process.

Anthea Turner who also was part of the debate has written a book about “Life after Divorce”, further debated the issue. This feisty debate demonstrated that everyone has a perspective in a discussion about divorce including the panel, the audience and outside callers.

To Watch the episode from 21 July 2017 go to



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